How To Warp Text

Written 9/22/2014

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to warp text in Photoshop, like in the pictures below.

First, open Photoshop, and make a new project. It can be any size, although we used 1920 x 1080 pixels, for this tutorial. Now, select the text tool, and set the font to Impact, and the font-size to 450pt.

Type the word TEXT. It doesn't have to be in all caps, or even that specific word. However, if the word you type is more than 4 letters, you may have some trouble with the word fitting the box. You should see in the toolbar above, that there should be a lower-case t, with a curve below it.

This is what we're going to use, to warp our text. Click it, and this window should pop up.

When you click on the drop arrow on the style tab, what opens is a selection of several text styles.

You can probably guess how each symbol will affect the text. Select the arc option, just as an example. It should look like this.

You should also see, that there are some sliders that you can use to change how the arc effect looks. Mess with them a little, to see what happens. This is what I came up with.

Obviously, there are several different combinations, you can make with the warp tool.

We have just learned, how to warp text, in Photoshop! If you want to, you can continue reading, to make the text look more like the first three pictures in this tutorial.

First, highlight each letter, and click on the black box on the top tool bar. This should bring up a color changer, to change the highlighted letter's color. In our case, it should be red.

Do the same, with the other letters. I made the rest of the colors blue, green, and yellow, in that order.

Now, click on the FX button, in the bottom right of the screen.

Select Blending Options, and then Bevel and Emboss. This should add a faint black outline, around the letters.

We now know, how to warp text! Here are some other examples, of things you can do with this.


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If you have any questions, regarding how to do this effect, post your question in the comments.